Documentary Film Training
The My Town, My Life, My Lens workshop has returned with a call to talented, English Proficient young filmmakers from the East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, South Sudan and the Comoros Islands. We want to see African filmmakers!
All we want to see is your previous work and a great documentary film story idea that is authentic to your locale.
You will receive practical documentary film training from Noe Mendelle, from the Scottish Documentary Institute in partnership with Docubox, Documentary Africa – DocA and the British Council in London and bring to life a story in your locale in your own unique voice.
The application portal will be open from the first week of December and the application deadline is now January 31, 2022.
This is a gentle reminder that, at this time, we are NOT accepting applications from the capital cities of NAIROBI, KAMPALA and DAR ES SALAAM.

Documentary Film Training; Sanaa Hive
#Filmproseries #Mylifetownlens
Find out more information and apply now here: applications.mydocubox.org
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